
Solid light blue background vertical
Solid light blue background vertical

solid light blue background vertical solid light blue background vertical

You can also style and customize the play/pause button to your liking. Giving visitors clear video control will lower the site bounce rate. Good to know: Autoplaying video with no clear way to pause it is among the top 10 reasons site visitors will leave without accomplishing their task on your site. Important: If you’ve disabled the Include play/pause button setting, site visitors with Prefers reduced motion enabled in their operating system will not be able to play your background video. Your background video will automatically pause if a site visitor has the Prefers reduced motion setting enabled in their operating system, regardless of whether Include play/pause button is enabled or disabled. When enabled, the Include play/pause button setting provides a built-in play/pause button on your background video that your site visitors can use to start and stop the video. If you’ve enabled the Autoplay video setting, make sure the Include play/pause button setting is enabled as well to provide an accessible experience for your site visitors. Important: WCAG Success Criterion 2.2.2: Pause, Stop, Hide states that if any moving, blinking, or scrolling information starts moving automatically and moves for more than five seconds, controls must be provided for a user to pause, stop, or hide the movement. When enabled, the Autoplay video setting makes your background video begin to play as soon as the page is loaded. If you’ve enabled the Loop video setting, make sure the Include play/pause button setting is enabled as well to provide an accessible experience for your site visitors. When enabled, the Loop video setting makes your background video loop (i.e., repeat) continuously.

Solid light blue background vertical